Monday, January 28, 2019

Android - Introduction and Example of Jetpack Navigation Architecture.

Today, All mobile application contains more than one screens to provide all necessary feature to the end users. Like user can move from splash screen to home screen.

From this home screen, the user can perform other tasks that show a result in other screens. These screens will usually take the form of activity and fragment within the app. An end user can navigate on all other screens with the help of screen gestures, button clicks, and menu selections. All of the work involved in navigation between destinations and stack that is handled by a navigation controller. Without navigation, we have to write a very big manual code to move from one screen to another screen that creates complex navigation paths.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Flutter - GET and POST http requests

To get dynamic data in a mobile application. We need to connect with a server to get and post some data. To achieve it, we always use HTTP to perform curl requests and create a connection between applications and server at a certain period to send or receive the data request from an application to the server.

Flutter providing us http to connect a mobile application with a server to perform GET, POST and other requests. POST and GET are two most commonly used HTTP methods for request and response between the client and the server. GET method basically requests data from a specified resource, whereas Post method submits data to be processed to a specified resource.

If you are looking some advance http client to handle interceptors, logs, cache etc. Then you should try Dio http client that we have explained here: Flutter - Dio client to create Http Request


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React Native - Start Development with Typescript

React Native is a popular framework for building mobile apps for both Android and iOS. It allows developers to write JavaScript code that ca...