Saturday, June 22, 2019

Flutter - Draw SVG and Vector drawables.

The icons or graphics make an application more interactive because users get a rough idea of features of application by just seeing the icon and not reading the text corresponding to the icon. You should use more graphics if your user base is not so literate because the pictorial representations convey a better message to the users.
flutter svg example
So, if you are creating a mobile application with the help of icons. Then you have to support multiple resolutions icons that are sometimes a nightmare to developers. We have to create different mobile sizes icons in mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi, x, 2x, 3x and so on. This will increase the size of your app. 


Saturday, June 8, 2019

Flutter — IDE Shortcuts for Faster and Efficient Development.

The IDE shortcuts help us a lot while developing, especially when we have a lot of code to go through and we have to find the opening and closing brackets, insert and remove the widget.
flutter shortcuts key widgets
If you’re new to Flutter development then you definitely facing problem to understand the nested structures and you spending the whole day for match the opening brackets to their closing ones. To increase development speed, we have to find out all important shortcuts of Flutter framework.


Sunday, June 2, 2019

Flutter - Nexmo verify otp plugin.

Nowadays, all applications usually use a SMS text for authentication purpose, like OTP (One-Time-Passwords). Where a message(OTP) is sent by the service-provider. With the help of OTP, we can verify mobile numbers while e-commerce transactions, signing up and logging in the application. 
To make this process effortless we can auto read the OTP as soon as it reaches the user's inbox. This flow helps the user to save a lot of apps switching from application to messenger app and then entering the authentication text to the app again. It is more widespread and safe because it is difficult to hack.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Flutter - Screen navigation with custom transition animations.

The navigation is an important part of any mobile application. To use all the features of an application, we have to navigate between different screens such as, from the list to a detailed screen, from a shopping cart to a checkout screen and many other cases.
custom screen transition flutter If we talk about the native mobile application. The iOS navigation experience is often built-around  UINavigationController, which uses a stack-based approach for navigation between screens. On the Android side, the Activity manages stack for navigation between different screens. Just like the native SDKs, the Flutter frameworks provide some transition widget to achieve screen transitions. 


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React Native - Start Development with Typescript

React Native is a popular framework for building mobile apps for both Android and iOS. It allows developers to write JavaScript code that ca...