Saturday, June 1, 2019

Flutter - Screen navigation with custom transition animations.

The navigation is an important part of any mobile application. To use all the features of an application, we have to navigate between different screens such as, from the list to a detailed screen, from a shopping cart to a checkout screen and many other cases.
custom screen transition flutter If we talk about the native mobile application. The iOS navigation experience is often built-around  UINavigationController, which uses a stack-based approach for navigation between screens. On the Android side, the Activity manages stack for navigation between different screens. Just like the native SDKs, the Flutter frameworks provide some transition widget to achieve screen transitions. 

In this post, you’ll see how we can implement navigation between the different screens of a Flutter application with custom transitions by using Material Page Route. To manage multiple screens, we have to use the following concepts and class.

    Route: A Route is an abstraction for a screen or page of Flutter application.
    Navigator: It is a widget that maintains a stack of child widgets. A Navigator can push and pop screens to help a user move from screen to screen
    Material Page Route: A modal route that replaces the entire screen with a platform-adaptive transition.
In the place of Route, we are using MaterialPageRoute which replaces the entire screen with a platform-adaptive transition

To perform various transitions in the Flutter application. We have created a util class and we have written various transition animation. So, let's use it and see all custom transition with the help of following class methods.
library page_transition; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; enum PageTransitionType { fade, rightToLeft, leftToRight, upToDown, downToUp, scale, rotate, size, rightToLeftWithFade, leftToRightWithFade, } class PageTransition<T> extends PageRouteBuilder<T> { final Widget child; final PageTransitionType type; final Curve curve; final Alignment alignment; final Duration duration; PageTransition({ Key key, @required this.child, @required this.type, this.curve = Curves.linear, this.alignment, this.duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300), }) : super( pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation) { return child; }, transitionDuration: duration, transitionsBuilder: (BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation, Widget child) { switch (type) { case PageTransitionType.fade: return FadeTransition(opacity: animation, child: child); break; case PageTransitionType.rightToLeft: return SlideTransition( transformHitTests: false, position: new Tween<Offset>( begin: const Offset(1.0, 0.0), end:, ).animate(animation), child: new SlideTransition( position: new Tween<Offset>( begin:, end: const Offset(-1.0, 0.0), ).animate(secondaryAnimation), child: child, ), ); break; case PageTransitionType.leftToRight: return SlideTransition( transformHitTests: false, position: Tween<Offset>( begin: const Offset(-1.0, 0.0), end:, ).animate(animation), child: new SlideTransition( position: new Tween<Offset>( begin:, end: const Offset(1.0, 0.0), ).animate(secondaryAnimation), child: child, ), ); break; case PageTransitionType.upToDown: return SlideTransition( transformHitTests: false, position: Tween<Offset>( begin: const Offset(0.0, -1.0), end:, ).animate(animation), child: new SlideTransition( position: new Tween<Offset>( begin:, end: const Offset(0.0, 1.0), ).animate(secondaryAnimation), child: child, ), ); break; case PageTransitionType.downToUp: return SlideTransition( transformHitTests: false, position: Tween<Offset>( begin: const Offset(0.0, 1.0), end:, ).animate(animation), child: new SlideTransition( position: new Tween<Offset>( begin:, end: const Offset(0.0, -1.0), ).animate(secondaryAnimation), child: child, ), ); break; case PageTransitionType.scale: return ScaleTransition( alignment: alignment, scale: CurvedAnimation( parent: animation, curve: Interval( 0.00, 0.50, curve: curve, ), ), child: child, ); break; case PageTransitionType.rotate: return new RotationTransition( alignment: alignment, turns: animation, child: new ScaleTransition( alignment: alignment, scale: animation, child: FadeTransition( opacity: animation, child: child, ), ), ); break; case PageTransitionType.size: return Align( alignment: alignment, child: SizeTransition( sizeFactor: CurvedAnimation( parent: animation, curve: curve, ), child: child, ), ); break; case PageTransitionType.rightToLeftWithFade: return SlideTransition( position: Tween<Offset>( begin: const Offset(1.0, 0.0), end:, ).animate(animation), child: FadeTransition( opacity: animation, child: SlideTransition( position: Tween<Offset>( begin:, end: const Offset(-1.0, 0.0), ).animate(secondaryAnimation), child: child, ), ), ); break; case PageTransitionType.leftToRightWithFade: return SlideTransition( position: Tween<Offset>( begin: const Offset(-1.0, 0.0), end:, ).animate(animation), child: FadeTransition( opacity: animation, child: SlideTransition( position: Tween<Offset>( begin:, end: const Offset(1.0, 0.0), ).animate(secondaryAnimation), child: child, ), ), ); break; default: return FadeTransition(opacity: animation, child: child); } }); }

  • Right to left custom transition:

Right to left custom transition flutter

you can use below code snippet to perform right to left screen transition.
  PageTransitionType.rightToLeft, child: ScreenTwo()));
  • Left to right and fade:

Left to right and fade flutter

you can use below code snippet to perform left to right and fade screen transition.
  child: ScreenTwo()));
  •  Fade custom screen transition:
Fade custom screen transition flutter
 you can use below code snippet to perform fade screen transition.
  child: ScreenTwo()));

  • Scale custom transition:
Scale custom transition flutter

you can use below code snippet to perform scale screen transition.
  child: ScreenTwo()));

as you can see, the custom transition is surely impressive. It will enrich the user experience of the application. 

At the end,  use above custom transition class for screen animation. If you are facing any problem, please feel free to ask from comments.


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